The Insights Book
Last Updated: 29/06/24
By S N Strutt
‘The Insights Book Collection’ is a compilation of study books that have been created specifically for the curious exploration of the original and preserved ancient texts commonly known as ‘The Books of the Apocrypha’.
The Apocrypha is a series of fifteen mysterious books which are believed to have been created at some point between the third century BC and the first century AD. These books spanning a lifetime of over two thousand years, have sparked a mixed response throughout the ages and were famously removed from the Bible in the early 1800’s by the ruling authoritative power at the time (the Protestant Church).
But what are these books and why were they removed from the Gospels? And how did the Church know how to decide which books were sacred enough to be included in the Holy Bible and which ones were not?
We will be asking these questions and many more in this condensed series of books as we begin to unravel the Mysteries of the Apocrypha.
Scroll down for a brief summary of what you can expect from each book as well as information on where you can get your hands on one.
Credits: Cover Artwork by Suzanne Strutt Artist

Eden Insights is a carefully curated study book that dives deep into the ancient texts and transcripts found within the original Apocrypha book titled: ‘The Lost Books of Adam and Eve’.
Like all of the Apocrypha books, ‘The Lost Books of Adam and Eve’ (sometimes known as ‘The Forgotten Books’) were removed from the Bible by The Protestant Church in the 1800’s. They stated that this book was merely a work of ‘fiction’ and therefore could not remain within the Holy Bible.
However, many have since argued this decision, stating that ‘The Lost Books of Adam and Eve’ is simply a more in depth account of the book of Genesis (a book found within the Bible which talks about the creation of all things and includes the story of the first man and woman who walked the planet. A man and a woman who were known as Adam and Eve.)
Despite the Church’s attempts to abolish The Lost Books of Adam and Eve, its removal from the Bible has only added to its incredible appeal and sense of mystery. A mystery that we hope we can begin to unravel and unlock in this captivating and dedicated study book.
If you are interested in studying in greater detail some of the old and ancient texts found within ‘The Lost Books of Adam and Eve’, then Eden Insights is for you!
The Story of Our Origins

‘The Book of the Watchers’, also known as ‘The Book of Enoch’, is arguably one of the most fascinating books that we have to date. It is estimated to have been written by a well known Patriarch by the name of Enoch somewhere between 300 and 200 BC.
The first part of the ‘Book of Enoch’ describes the fall of the ‘Watchers’ also known as ‘The Fallen Angels’. These chapters describe in great detail how there were once powerful angelic beings who roamed the earth and fathered children with the humans on Earth to create a hybrid race called the ‘Nephilim’.
The remainder of the book describes Enoch’s revelations and his visits to heaven in the form of travels, visions and dreams.
The book discusses angels, demons, giants, sea serpents, monsters and so much more. Regardless of whether the authenticity of the book can be proven (which continues to divide opinion), many cannot deny how compelling and mesmerizing these ancient texts were and still are, which has made ‘The Book of Enoch’ one of the most-read and sought after books in all of the Apocrypha.
The Story of the Watchers
If you are on a quest to find a step by step study book that really explores this ancient archive of mystery, then ‘Enoch Insights’ is for you.

The Story of Joseph and His Brothers
Many people who have read the Bible have heard of the exciting story of ‘Joseph and His Brothers’.
In the book of Genesis, we are told the tale of twelve brothers who sold their brother Joseph into slavery after a cruel bout of childish jealousy. An incredible journey ensues, one that is so fantastic that it sees Joseph eventually freeing himself from slavery and becoming the right-hand man to the Pharaoh of Egypt himself and ruling over the land.
The classic ‘hero’s journey’ archetype structure (with its perfect heroes and dark villains) could be just one of the reasons why we find the story of Joseph so intriguing.
However, what many people do not realise is that there is a much more in-depth version of this biblical story. One told through a series of twelve biographies from all twelve brothers in an apocryphal book known as ‘The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs’.
We put ‘The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs’ under our microscope in our latest Insights book (with added commentaries, insightful theories, food for thought, references, popular hypotheses and so much more.)
If you love the story of Joseph or are simply curious and would like a study book that focuses deeply on all of the content to be found within ‘The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs’, then this Insights book’ is for you!

‘The Book of Jasher’ is a collection of exciting stories and heroic tales of courage and triumph over adversity.
One of the chapters in the book tells the story of two brave brothers who become heroes after entering an enemy city to save their kidnapped sister from an evil tyrant.
Despite being heavily outnumbered, the two brothers save the girl and completely decimate the city in the process. (see cover)
This is just one of the many incredible stories to be found in ‘The Book of Jasher’.
Huge speculation has surrounded the timing of when this book was written (although, if we were to gauge it by the style of writing, this book is over 3000 years old, which only adds to its mystery and its lure).
Join us as we embark on a quest of our own to dissect this powerful book, found only in ‘Jasher Insights’.
A Story of Triumph

Esdras Insights is a book that helps to give us a bird’s eye view of the original ‘Book of Esdras’ and all that it entails.
It discusses a vast array of topics that are mentioned in the Bible and follows the known history of our planet for over 4000 years from Creation until Christ. ‘The Book of Esdras’ is categorised as an ‘apocalyptic book’ because it contains prophecies and predictions for the future (some of which have turned out to be scarily accurate).
We will touch on several popular topics in this book and ask the questions everyone is asking: ‘Is the Earth Hollow? Did the prophet Esdras write “The Book of Esdras” or is it simply a work of fiction as some proclaim it to be?’.
And as with all our Insights Books, we will also ask the main question that surrounds all of the Apocrypha books: ‘Why (with all its visions and incredible foresight) was this book removed from the Bible?’ We tackle these questions as well as so much more!
If you would like the opportunity to dissect ‘The Book of Esdras’, then ‘Esdras Insights’ is for you!
Watch the visual zoom in cover video for this book.
Credit: SuzanneStruttArtist
A Story of our Inner World

‘Jubilees Insights’
Glimpse Into Some of the Most Exciting Stories in the Apocrypha
‘Jubilees Insights’ is a book that seeks to carefully piece together many of the mysterious verses and texts that are contained within the fifty chapters of ‘The Book of Jubilees’.
This study book will explore in greater detail the biblical story of The Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai and how Moses came to receive this precious knowledge.
Why was this incredible book removed from the Bible? We will have to dive deeper to find out why.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our brief book summaries! It has been a pleasure and a privilege to create this wonderful collection of books which we hope will be of help and assistance to you! Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for all our latest videos and updates. You can also help our work further by leaving a donation on our ‘Donate’ page. Your support is the only reason we can continue to do what we do and we are eternally grateful for all the love and support we have received from our wonderful community.
For now, we will leave you with a read-up for the very first book we ever published:
‘Out of the Bottomless Pit’. God Bless and Godspeed!
The Insights Team