SYNOPSIS OF DANIEL 2 ‘TOES TURNING FROM CLAY TO IRON’ (Daniel 2.31-45 and then Daniel 7.1-8, 17-20,23-25. Daniel 8 23-25. Daniel 11.21-24 31-35. Rev 12.1 and Revelations 13.1-3 and 4-5.)

A major point is prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. The Daniel 2 Image/ prophecy is fulfilling yet another part of the IMAGE.

SUMMARY: In 2022 I wrote: Right now it would appear that we are in the time of the feet and about to enter the toes. I will explain the difference between governments of IRON AND CLAY with yet other Bible verses in Isaiah 64.8, Jeremiah 18.2-6 'Thou art the Potter and we the 'People are the Clay'.

Why have all nations of the world changed in the past two years in enforcing senseless mandates on their peoples with an arrogant attitude of ‘Do what we say or else!’ It would appear that 'The West' is changing from CLAY to IRON and probably the whole world!

I know that the Image Dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the first King of Babylon in around 603 BCE, was not an actual Image but an illustration/dream to show Nebuchadnezzar the world empires that would arise after his time.

An interesting point is that the IMAGE represents totalitarian dictatorial World Empires which tolerate no opposition.

There is an ENIGMA in the IMAGE, and that is the fact of Daniel 2.43 'that clay simply does NOT mix with IRON'.

ILLUSTRATION: Physically speaking, if one tried to build an actual image of solid metals and clay, it would collapse and fall over, if its feet were made of part iron and part clay and thus the image could NOT stand.

Spiritually speaking, as Daniel 2.43 enigmatically brings out: Iron governments sometimes have benevolent dictators, mostly at the beginning of their empires. Time passes and lots of Satanic corruption sets in, as well as arrogance or what today is called hubris sets in, to where they consider themselves 'invincible' and that they should be 'worshipped as Gods'.

Daniel 2.43 And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Daniel 2.44 ‘And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.’Daniel

In other words 'Satan is King of World empires', by possessing certain leaders.

Luke 4.6 And the Devil said unto him (Jesus), All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

******The Iron or demonic leaders do NOT want to mix with the CLAY or governments of the people, but they desire to crush the clay as it is seen as very weak to them as 'POWER is CONTROL' and lack of power is seen as only weakness by the demonic powers and their political stooges below them'

Satan himself, apart from his original form as an angel and then a fallen angel has two distinct allegory forms most of the time. He can behave as the Serpent, and is indeed very beguiling and deceitful, but acting mostly indirectly and behind the scenes as in most of the Western Democracy in the past 250 years.

Satan also can behave as a Dragon as when he appears as a ferocious new world leader and is directly right in your face such as certain World Emperors behaved in the past . Satan seems to be showing more of his Draconian side during the past two years. I think we will soon see the Rise of the Anti-Christ and 2 Thessalonians 2 being fulfilled.

Reflecting on the past three years (2019-2022): We now see leaders all around the world turning into IRON or even worse DEMONIC leaders who show distain for their populations as clearly seen in the USA under Biden, Australia, |New Zealand and Canada and to some extent in the UK. What are all the others nation of the world doing at this time? Most are following the NWO Agenda of Eugenics at present and people are blindly following like lemmings.

The Golden Age of the Millennium will also be a IRON RULE, but it is very different. The Lord and King of Kings will be ruling and making sure that the wicked and rich do not get the upper hand ever again to oppress the peoples of the earth. Jesus will be a benign dictator who is loving and kind to the obedient but the rebels will incur his wrath. Why one may ask? Just look at the past two years. Countries like Australia and Canada acting more like IRON GOVERNMENTS than Clay ones.

UP TO DATE: FAST FORWARD TO FEBRUARY 2025: Well, it was true that we had many strange things happening in the whole world from around 2019 - 2025. To be exact until the elections in the USA and the INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP. Fortunately from the Inauguration on the 20th January 2025 until now the 13th February 2025 many good changes have been enacted by Trump’s government by Elon Musk and D.O.G.E. (Dept. of Government Efficiency ) against Evil and Corruption in the top of the government itself as well as the IRON DICTATORIAL ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF EVERYTHING. It looks like we might get a temporary break from all of the very tight controls instigated by the DEEP STATE behind the last BIDEN dictatorial administration. The good news is that Robert Kennedy just got voted in 13/02/2025 by the Senate 52 votes for to 48 against. Wow what a fight! Now perhaps we will get some good health changes. Well, at least for a short season. It would seem that the dictatorial stranglehold enacted on a world scale during COVID with all of its restrictions, eventually worked against the Powers that be and millions are now aware of all of their shenanigans. Both the right and left got completely fed up with BIDEN’S crazy administration and its total uncertainty about everything; and for that reason a landslide vote happened in Trump’s favor. Most of the the people voted: ‘WE WANT NO MORE B.S. Lets just hope he can get rid of a lot of the corruption in the USA Government.

The people have been shouting ‘We want M.A.G.A.’ (MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN) We can clearly see the great struggle between the IRON GOVERNMENTS AND THE CLAY ONES as clearly shown in the feet and toes of the IMAGE in Daniel 2 in the Bible. It will be a great struggle between these two. IRON = GOVERNMENTS for the POWERFUL and RICH = DICTATORSHIPS in contrast to the CLAY COVERNMENTS = GOVERNMENTS BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.

Unfortunately, those of us who know Bible prophecy can predict that there is going to come the biggest DICTATORSHIP of all the history VERY SOON with the RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST and THE LAST 7 YEARS OF HISTORY and his ‘reign of TERROR’ with the coming ‘666’ ‘MARK OF THE BEAST’ SYSTEM as shown clearly by Jesus in Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13.

This will all bring on the infamous ‘GREAT TRIBULATION’ which will last for 3and a half years. Then the Lord Jesus will return at the 2nd COMING OF CHRIST according to Matthew 24.29-31 The GREAT TRIBULATION is also mentioned in the 1st Book of Enoch Chapter 1.

See my book ‘ENOCH INSIGHTS’ -


‘Thank God He is going to take over some day! The world is such a mess and there are such crazy people running it! - The only answer is the Lord and His Coming to restore law and order and Christian civilization. - For only God Himself in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ, with His angelic helpers and angelized saints, is going to be able to run such a world government well with true justice, liberty, peace, plenty and happiness for all!’


1) (352) THE “TEN TOES” IN DANIEL 2 – And the Coming Antichrist – with Steven Strutt - YouTube

2) The Rise of The Antichrist! – Satan vs The Sealed! – with Steven Strutt





What is going on with TRUMP MUSK and KENNEDY?