Why are there presently so many sightings of drones over the United States?

(Six minute read)

For over a month now, hundreds of drones have been seen hovering over major cities in the USA, in over six different states. They have also been seen over US bases in England. Some reports state that there have been sightings in Russia and China and in other countries (but that information presently still needs to be verified). I just heard today by Steve Quayle that drones have now been spotted on USA military bases all around the world and not just on the East coast of the USA. The question is why?

We are currently in-between two presidents in the USA, so the period we are now entering, is delicate to say the least! Trumps inauguration is on the 20th of January, 2025. Are the Biden administration and their cohorts aiming to cause big trouble for Trump and his incoming administration?

I have read or heard about dozens of reasons for why everyone thinks that the drones are here right now!

Are these drones an actual danger to the American public?

I will list some video links to different opinions as to what on earth is going on in this strange and ominous situation.

The current incumbent administration is not really ‘letting on’ as to what is really going on? This reaction is causing people to worry and get nervous. However, if it was truly dangerous, surely the government would be shooting these drones out of the sky?

It would appear that there are two different types of craft - one that is definitely man-made in appearance, and another is a type that would appear more alien in nature with spinning wheels around the vessel, (similar to that of a UFO).

Here are some of my own observations:

Rumor has it, that there have been hundreds of accounts from witnesses around the world, all of which have reported seeing military drones in the sky, many reports have stated that ‘orbs’ are also involved in the sightings. This leads me to ask the following questions:

1) Are Orbs actually ‘alien’ technology, or have the military been able to reverse engineer some of the alien UFO’s since the infamous Roswell event in 1947?

2) Why is it, that when it comes to UFOS, the Pentagon or USA government have always been in total denial (despite thousands of pedestrian sightings across the globe)?

3) What if the government has secretly been inventing advanced drones in order to ‘boast of’ their own technology to other nations? Could it be that perhaps they have also managed to reverse engineer their technology with some UFO capabilities as well?

5) If it is true that we have also had orbs or UFOS involved in the mix, then why is it happening now only one month before Trump takes office as the new president of the United States? When the UFO activity finally does die down, (as it usually does), then the government can simply state that it was merely a ‘military secret operation’ or some other excuse.

Conclusion: My theory on this topic, is that by involving the use of drones, (during a period where there is already heightened UFO activity), the government will maintain the perfect ‘excuse’ to continue to deny the reality of UFOS as they could be lost within the mix of ‘drone sightings’.

There has also been a lot of speculation that China might be involved in the sightings of these drones. China presently has the most advanced drone technology in the world and even has drone carriers or ships capable of carrying 1000’s of modern drones. If that is the case, then why doesn’t the government just shoot them down? I think that the answer could be that the government is afraid of what is contained within these drones as dangerous material could be locked up inside them such as nukes, bio warfare, etc. Perhaps they are biding their time until they know how to respond to the idea of a possible invasion from China.

Overall, I find it strange that this whole episode of the drone invasion happened over New Jersey only two weeks after Trump won the election in the USA. Could it be that these drone sightings are just a distraction so that the beleaguered Biden administration would stop Trump? I think that very unlikely, (but it is mentioned by many people).

Thanks for reading! Please note, that at this time, these findings are still merely speculation, however our objective here is to get the ball rolling in the hope that it will encourage open discussions and perhaps bring us one step closer to solving some of life’s strange mysteries. I will be back in a few days time and hope to be writing three times a week from now and discussing really exciting topics just like this one. Feel free to comment below with your thoughts. You can also write me with any of your own insight at activatedscotland@gmail.com

There are a host of videos available online if you would like more information on this topic, the links are below:

Best Wishes, Steve



Unidentified Drones In America's Skies?

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=oi8THjozHhY Smells Like A False Flag... - Alt-Market.us

HISTORIC FOOTAGE: Watch UFOs Swarm The US Capitol In 1953

BREAKING: Trump DESTROYS The Biden Admin's Attempt To

Terrorize The American People With UAV / Drone Psyop!

Will Nuke False Flag Keep Trump Out of Office – Steve Quayle | Greg

Hunter’s USAWatchdog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOTVR3L87H0.

Last Updated: 21st of December, 2024


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