There has been a big question doing the rounds for some time: Why is it that (despite records of over twenty-billion people having lived on Earth throughout time, according to Bible scholars) we currently possess very few records of our actual World History?
Surely, if so many humans have lived on earth, we should possess a great deal more (in terms of valuable insights, individual historical accounts and information) to load up our history books. From my perspective, our history books should be overflowing with information, but they aren’t. The question is: Why?
It has become pretty apparent that the more ‘digging you do’, the more obvious it becomes that the powers that have been in place throughout time have deliberately tried to hide the truth from us about our history. The truth is always being hidden away when it suits the purposes of the rulers of the world. After all, ‘knowledge is power’, and people who are too empowered or too ‘informed’ are much harder to control.
We know that they did not like the ‘Book of Enoch’ and banned it for a thousand years under the Catholic church inquisition. People were even burned at the stake for possessing the ‘Book of Enoch’. This extremism and mass suppression lasted for over a thousand years (from 500 AD to 1500 AD), a period also known as ‘the dark ages’.
The ‘Library of Alexandria’ was a monumental building that was built in in North Africa (circa 275 BC). It was a prestigious part of the Grecian Empire, where all the top philosophers, scholars, educators and writers would go to participate in a ‘feast of learning’. At its epitome (100 BC), this building was said to hold over one-million accounts of books and literature.
This incredible library did not last long and was burned down only two hundred years after its construction. The building was later reconstructed and lasted for several hundred more years; however, many would argue that a huge number of books were permanently lost. Was this simply an accident, or perhaps something more sinister? Many have speculated on this topic, but one thing certainly cannot be denied, and that is that we have certainly seen multiple examples of books being burned throughout history.
In 1917, during the 1st World War, the Communists burned a huge number of books in Russia. This act was not unique, as throughout history we can see fire being used many times to destroy and decimate cities during times of war. The Nazis also used to burn books as a means of control. By burning cities and targeting institutions of knowledge, you not only destroy that civilization, but you also rob them of the knowledge and tools that they need to rebuild.
We do not need to search history for very long to find huge evidence of mass attempts towards suppression of information, cover-ups and law enforcement (with severe penalties for anyone who dared to even attempt a shot at learning truth or educating themselves about our world history).
I do believe that many would agree that ‘government suppression of information’ is something that has had a running theme throughout history. This is something that I personally believe has become very clear to see, at least for those who are curious enough to do their own research on the topic. The reason for this is simple: People who are too informed cannot be controlled; simply put: It is bad for business!
Let’s discuss a little more about some of our most fundamental ancient books. Why is it that the Greek Septuagint and many of the Ancient Jewish books were written around the same period (circa 300-100 BCE)?
This also applies to many of the Apocryphal books. Was there a spike in the desire to write books during this period? It has often been explained that ancient Hebrew books, such as the ‘Book of Enoch’, have been ‘explained away’ as having been written by a group of pseudepigraphal writers during this period (circa 100-300 BC). One way of simply describing the term ‘pseudepigraphal’ is: Written by someone who was not the original writer.
Pseudepigraphal writers are even stated to be ‘fake writers’. We have been told that many of the ancient Hebrew books (including ‘Enoch’, ‘Jasher’, ‘Jubilees’, and ‘The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs’) are, in fact, all ‘pseudepigraphal writings’.
I personally believe that evidence of attempts to eradicate these holy books altogether have certainly been made known throughout history (not only with their blatant removal from the Bible, but also through other, more sinister attempts) in a bid to destroy all credibility that is linked to these books in other more divisive and cunning ways.
The idea that ‘Book of Enoch’ was not actually written by Enoch is the perfect way to plant just enough ‘seed of doubt’ to completely discredit all of the incredible information contained within it. (The truth is that someone would have had to have written the books, as they certainly did not write themselves, but these questions always seem to remain ‘elusive’ and unanswered).
Another theory is that by adding terms or fancy complicated names such as ‘pseudepigraphal’, they manage to achieve two outcomes:
1) By including elaborate words such as ‘pseudepigraphal’ in their attempts to discredit these books, it helps them to maintain the narrative that they are ‘the educated authority’. Most people can barely pronounce the word ‘pseudepigraphal’ and, believe it or not, words can play a big role in persuasion (which also transfers to the negative side of manipulation, intimidation, diversion and deception). Elaborate words help to hide the main objective: The narrative that many of these books are, in fact, ‘inconclusive’ and therefore should be ignored and put back on the shelf, since nobody knows who wrote them. In other words: Problem solved; let's all go back to sleep!
2) They divert attention from the validity of these books. Some ‘history controllers’ have tried to explain away important books that were, in fact, written in pre-Flood times, such as the ‘Book of Enoch’.
In post-Flood times, we also find the amazing Hebrew book of ‘The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs’.
Why was the Septuagint version of the Old Testament section of the Bible, written in 300 BCE? Who ordered it to be translated from Hebrew into Greek? Did they alter something in the biblical timeline to please the Pharaoh Ptolemy? That is another story.
As many of you know, who have read my ‘INSIGHTS’ books (now 9 in number, which are all based on Apocryphal books), what I have discovered is incredible: That these books were not written between 300 to 100 BCE. All these books were originals, taken to the Library of Alexandria between 100-300 BC and re-written and translated into Greek for the benefit of the Grecian Empire.
A lot of money was paid to those who could bring original old documents to the ancient library in Alexandria. A copy in Greek was then made and the original given back to the bearer. Because of these facts, many people don’t believe in the origin of books, like the ‘Book of Enoch’ and other Apocryphal books or ancient Hebrew books, such as the ‘Book of Jasher’, stating, for example, that they don’t believe that Enoch wrote the ‘Book of Enoch’, when, in fact, there is indeed plenty of evidence to prove it.
The ancient Hebrew book of the ‘Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs’ also talks about the books of Enoch (some 3,500 years ago). Perhaps that is why they have listed both as ‘pseudepigraphal’ works of ‘fiction’?
From Wikipedia: The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. The library was part of a larger research institution called the Mouseion, which was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts.[10] The idea of a universal library in Alexandria may have been proposed by Demetrius of Phalerum, an exiled Athenian statesman living in Alexandria, to Ptolemy I Soter, who may have established plans for the Library, but the Library itself was probably not built until the reign of his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus. The Library quickly acquired many papyrus scrolls, owing largely to the Ptolemaic kings' aggressive and well-funded policies for procuring texts. It is unknown precisely how many scrolls were housed at any given time, but estimates range from 40,000 to 400,000 at its height.Alexandria came to be regarded as the capital of knowledge and learning, in part because of the Great Library.[11] Many important and influential scholars worked at the Library during the third and second centuries BC, including: Zenodotus of Ephesus, who worked towards standardizing the works of Homer; Callimachus, who wrote the Pinakes, sometimes considered the world's first library catalog; Apollonius of Rhodes, who composed theh epic poem the Argonautica; Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who calculated the circumference of the earth within a few hundred kilometers of accuracy; Hero of Alexandria, who invented the first recorded steam engine; Aristophanes of Byzantium, who invented the system of Greek diacritics and was the first to divide poetic texts into lines; and Aristarchus of Samothrace, who produced the definitive texts of the Homeric poems as well as extensive commentaries on them. During the reign of Ptolemy III Euergetes, a daughter library was established in the Serapeum, a temple to the Greco-Egyptian god Serapis.
I will explain how we can know this on the following video on YOUTUBE which just came out: (13) 'INSIGHTS BOOKS' by S N Strutt: ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY, THE SEPTUAGUINT & THE APOCRYPHA BOOKS - YouTube. More info: [Library of Alexandria - Wikipedia - The library of Alexandria (3): The Library of Alexandria acquired books in a curious way (]
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